In Archived, OCR, OCR PDF by MarshaLeave a Comment

Question: What is the best OCR software for PDF files? Answer: There are many different OCR products available. The quality of the software varies depending on the source, but all of them are designed to make text documents searchable and …

Full Text OCR

In Archived, OCR, OCR Software by MarshaLeave a Comment

Question: Is there any software that can OCR the entire text of a scanned document? Answer: CVISION offers a product called Maestro Recognition Server that has full text OCR capabilities.  Maestro can process entire documents and recognize the text within …

Document Capture

In Archived, Uncategorized by JerryLeave a Comment

Question: I need some help regarding document capture. Can you recommend a product to me? Answer: Yes, CVISION, provides one of the quickest document capture product on the market. You will be directed to their software via the link below. …