Question: I am interested in having you test OCR speed. We have 5000 pages and that is equal to 1 machine here. I am more concerned now as things are getting worse; it is even further slowing down. Since the morning, …
Server Based OCR
Question: Do you offer a server-based OCR product? My department wants to automate the OCR & PDF conversion process, and convert our scanned documents into searchable PDFs from a server-based OCR solution. Answer: Yes, we offer a server-based OCR product. …
Free OCR
Question: I am looking for a free OCR product. I just recently purchased a scanner and would like to make my documents text-searchable with OCR. Do you offer free OCR? Answer: We do offer “free OCR” in the form of a …
Searchable PDF
Question: We are scanning our paper with the output file being a TIFF, we would like to take the TIFF documents and convert them to searchable PDFs. Do you provide a solution to convert scanned documents into searchable PDF files? …