PDF Archive Format

In Archived, Convert PDF, PDF/A by MarshaLeave a Comment

Question: Is there a special PDF archive format that is better than regular PDF format? How is it different? Answer: There is a type of PDF called PDF/A, which is used specifically for archiving purposes. You might wonder what makes …

Archive PDF Files

In Archived, PDF/A by MichaelLeave a Comment

Question: Is it possible to archive PDF files? Our company is looking for a way to digitize our archives. Is archiving PDF files a secure way to store information in the long run? Answer: You’re on the right track with …

Convert PDF to PDF/A

In All, Archived, PDF Conversion, PDF/A by ChrisLeave a Comment

Question: Can your software convert PDF documents to PDF/A for archiving purposes? We would like to create an online archive of PDF/A documents. Answer: In PdfCompressor 4.0, which will be released in October of 2007, we will support PDF/A for …