OCR software PDF

In Archived, OCR PDF, PDF OCR by MichaelLeave a Comment

Question: What are the advantages to using OCR software on PDF files, and what OCR software for PDFs does CVISION have? Answer: A PDF file that has not been OCRd does not contain any text that is recognizable by computers, …

Shrink PDFs

In Archived, PDF Compression, Shrink PDF by MichaelLeave a Comment

Question: What software do you have to shrink PDFs? And what are the advantages of using your software to shrink PDFs as opposed to software from another company? Answer: Our PdfCompressor software is the best way to shrink PDFs. It …

OCR PDF Files Free

In Archived, OCR PDF, PDF OCR by MichaelLeave a Comment

Question: Do you have a way to OCR PDF files free of charge? I’ve noticed that many other companies offer ways to OCR PDF files free. Answer: Yes, we do have a way to OCR PDF files free of charge. …

Zonal OCR

In Archived, OCR by MichaelLeave a Comment

Question: We use OCR mostly to extract data from fixed forms, which we then store in a database. The problem is that we only want to extract data from specific zones on the forms; right now we’re having to manually …