In Archived, Batch PDF OCR by MarshaLeave a Comment

Question: How does batch PDF OCR compare to other OCR tools? Does it significantly speed up the text recognition process? Answer: Batch processing definitely makes the OCR process significantly faster. If you are using a tool with batch capabilities, you …

OCR Program Download

In Archived, OCR Download, OCR Software by MarshaLeave a Comment

Question: Which website should I use to download an OCR program? Answer: In my experience, I have found that most websites offering freeware provide tools that are only minimally effective; the programs make frequent errors and cannot be used as …

Optimize PDF

In Archived, PDF Optimize by MarshaLeave a Comment

Question: What does it mean to optimize a PDF file? Answer: PDF optimization refers to the steps that must be taken in order to make a PDF file compatible with online use. The main barrier to uploading files to the …

OCR Program Download

In Archived, OCR Download, OCR Software by MarshaLeave a Comment

Question: Where can I download a good OCR program? Answer: You will really get the best quality available if you download the free trial version of CVISION’s Maestro Recognition Server. Unlike freeware that you might find on the internet, Maestro …