Compression to PDF from file formats

Question: I recently downloaded the CVista PDF Compressor Desktop Edition.  When I select a Word document for compression, then Run Job- nothing happens even though the pop-up box appears that says “Compressing.”
Is this software able to convert doc files? Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Answer: Thank you for contacting CVISION Technologies. PdfCompressor at this time takes the following files as input: TIFF,PDF,JPEG,BMP,GIF,PNG,TGA,WMF,PCX,ICO,PNM. All these formats are converted to PDF and in addition we can also create Word RTF files Excel and TXT file.

PdfCompressor doesn’t take “Doc” files as input, however we do have a product in development that does.

If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact us. If you would like to test out our software for compression of scanned documents, I have included a link below to re-evaluate.