A Step toward Universal Document Capture: PdfCompressor 6.5

With best-in-class OCR & dramatic file compression, the newly updated PdfCompressor 6.5 is designed to optimize PDF documents, making them smaller, faster and easier to view and transfer. This new release features more efficient processing for both scanned image documents and electronically generated PDF files, allowing organizations to maximize workflow efficiencies for more document types than ever before. Built for high-volume, corporate environments, PdfCompres­sor 6.5 integrates seamlessly into existing workflows to allow organizations to spend less time manag­ing their digital files and more time on value-producing tasks. Here are some of PdfCompressor 6.5 top new features:

Updated OCR Engine for even more reliable text searches:

The updated OCR engine in PdfCompressor 6.5 is the most accurate OCR solution available. PdfCompressor’s OCR can identify text within low resolution, multi-directional and color. Recognized text can now be exported to .docx and .epub formats. Having the ability to reliably search, edit and copy text within a PDF is a major time saver. Time saved searching for critical information adds up to greater employee productivity within the paperless environment.

 Improved Processing of image documents and electronically generated PDF files:

PdfCompressor 6.5 now processes captured, electronic and hybrid PDF documents more efficiently. For hybrid documents, CVISION processes image portions of the documents and preserves any existing electronic components such as bookmarks, hyperlinks and PDF attributes such as PDF/A for archiving. CVISION’s real-time OCR intelligently checks for existing text layers and produces fully searchable PDFs with no need to render to image for maximum efficiency.

Option to Split multi-page input files during compression:

PdfCompressor 6.5 provides the option to split a multi-page PDF file into a single-page PDF file. For example, you can split one PDF document with five pages to five separate, one page PDFs. Being able to split multi-page files during compression can be very useful for storage and sharing. You can isolate selected pages instead of sending an entire PDF document with multiple pages.

Is your organization ready to experience the benefits of efficient document management? Try PdfCompressor 6.5 online as a free evaluation trial today.