PDF OCR Tutorial

Question: I just installed the trial version of PdfCompressor, I have some questions on how to use the product and general questions regarding conversation to PDF and OCR. Prior to purchasing your product, I want to understand why I would need to convert to PDF, and if OCR is necessary. Is there a tutorial I can attend?

Answer: There is a weekly tutorial, which is offered every Tuesday at Noon Eastern Time. The Webinar covers a tutorial of how to optimize your understanding and usage of the software.
You mentioned interest in understanding the advantages of conversion to PDF, and equipping your PDFs with OCR, the Webinar will cover these topics, as well as anything else you might want to know.

It is live and interactive, done through GoToMeeting. Webinars are a great way to learn more about the software; you can ask your questions about conversion to PDF, and the advantages of OCR. Any questions you might have can be answered then and there.

Here is a link to sign up: