OCR Download

Question: I am interested in downloading a product with OCR capabilities. Does your PdfCompressor have OCR? I noticed you offer two different PdfCompressor downloads; do both the CVISION Professional and Desktop Product Downloads come with OCR?

Answer: If you are looking for an OCR download I would suggest trying either PdfCompressor Professional or Desktop, both are equipped with OCR.

The Professional Version of PdfCompressor features improved color and bitonal compression, allowing for documents that are up to 100x smaller than their original. In addition to the compression results, the product has OCR capabilities.

The Desktop Version of PdfCompressor would also be a strong option for an OCR Download. The Desktop Edition is a “lite” alternative to the Professional Edition. It is designed to compress only a single document at a time, each of which does not exceed 100 pages. You can test out the OCR on this download as well.

We offer full tech support with our free 30 day evaluation of the Professional or the Desktop download. If you are interested in either product as a potential OCR Download, I have attached the link below.


To see other Blog entries discussing OCR, the advantages of OCR, and how and when to use OCR, click on this link: http://www.cvisiontech.com/wordpress/?cat=5