Question: I am looking for an OCR program that is compatible with Windows. Is The OCR program in PdfCompressor compatible with Windows? Answer: Yes, you can use our PdfCompressor OCR module on Windows. If you are looking for an OCR …
PDF Shrink
Question: I currently have PDFs as part of my workflow, I am interested in learning a method to shrink these PDF files. Answer: Our PdfCompressor helps shrink, and convert PDF, TIFF, and JPEG files into compressed, web-optimized, and text searchable …
PDF Compression
Question: I have too many large PDF files occupying my storage space and slowing down email transfers. I’ve heard of PDF compression but am not completely sure of how it works. I would like to know more about PDF compression …
Software to reduce Acrobat PDF file size
Question: I am looking for software to reduce Adobe Acrobat PDFs file size. How can I try PdfCompressor? Answer: CVISION’s software helps convert PDF, TIFF, and JPEG files into compressed, Web-optimized and text-searchable PDF files. CVISION software creates the World’s …
Reliable OCR for Degraded Documents
Question: We have documents that have been degraded due to undersampling and JPEG compression. I have tried several OCR engines, none of which is picking up the text reliably. What should I do? We need to search these documents! Answer: …
Batch compress PDF
Question: We scan about 1000 images daily; storage size is becoming more of an issue. Considering we deal with such a large volume of scanned files, we need a program to batch compress these PDFs. Do you offer a program …
OCR PDF to searchable PDF
Question: I would like to OCR my imaged PDF files to create searchable PDFs. Can I use PdfCompressor to do this? Will it convert my PDFs to searchable PDFs? Answer: Yes, if you use PdfCompressor with OCR you can convert …
OCR Speed vs. Accuracy
There is a general tradeoff between OCR speed and accuracy. The accuracy is generally a function of the OCR engine speed. It is usually possible to obtain greater OCR accuracy by running the engine longer, or by deploying more OCR …
OCR for Hewlett Packard scanners
Question: Does your OCR engine support Hewlett Packard scanners? Answer: Yes, our OCR engine is compatible with Hewlett Packard scanners. If you are looking for an OCR download for a Hewlett Packard scanner I would suggest trying either PdfCompressor Professional …
Improving OCR Accuracy
Question: What Font/Size would you recommend to increase the accuracy of the OCR’ing? Will all upper case help or not? Answer: The best font to use is “Courier” or “Times New Roman” and the size should be between 9 and …
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