Question: Hi, I work for a huge finance corporation and deal with accounting. I have a bunch of files from the last decade and it is taking too long going through dates to find the right one. Do you know …
Decompress PDF files
Question: I am trying to use the decompressor on existing PDF files. I receive a message indicating: “Cannot open file …” on any PDF file not created by PdfCompressor. Does the decompressor only work on PdfCompressor created files, or is it …
OCR accuracy and DPI
Question: I have been testing PdfCompressor with OCR, I OCR’d a RAW TIFF files and the results were good on the super accurate (not on the balanced). My colleague claims that you obtain better results when you OCR scanned documents with …
PDF Compression, OCR Command Line
Question: My company has been testing PdfCompressor. If we have it on a server and we invoke it through a command line, will it be able to operate on multiple files simultaneously? Will it give error messages if there …
Batch PDF Compression in Multi-threading mode
Question: Does the API support batch PDF compression? I have a folder of PDFs, I would like to process them and produce a single PDF for each one processed? I know I can loop through the folder and process one …
PdfCompressor Professional vs. Desktop
Question: What are the main differences between PdfCompressor Professional, and PdfCompressor Desktop? Answer: The following features are only available with PdfCompressor Professional • Professional Edition supports Batch Compression • The Professional Edition includes “watched folder” capabilities • The Professional Version …
Battery License & Watch Folder
Question: We had to install a new hard drive in our machine that hosts PdfCompressor. When we reinstalled the software I don’t think it gave us the correct number of pages. Our license indicates we should be able to compress …
Convert PDF
Question: From an IT perspective, what are the pros and cons of converting all our documents of record into PDF format? Answer: The process of maintaining files over time, otherwise know as archiving, is complex. There are many factors that …
There is a clear correlation between OCR and the new ITU bitonal JBIG2 standard. In particular, an important aspect of JBIG2 is font learning. Whereas in the previous CCITT4 TIFF image specifications there was no notion of fonts, or font …
OCR Verification and Confidence
Question: Can I OCR my files and guarantee that each document has been OCRed correctly with a given confidence, e.g., 99.5% ? Answer: Yes, sort of. OCR verificarion is really a semi-automated process. What can be expected from the OCR …