Archiving digital documents securely and reliably is one of the challenges that has increased in prominence in recent years as companies have come to rely on advanced technology. This need applies to organizations that generate large amounts of born-digital content, …
How Paperless Document Management Benefits IT Administrators
These days, companies are increasingly turning to paperless offices, and for good reason. Paper is costly and inefficient, and less and less necessary now that paperless technology is widespread and easy to use. IT Administrators can attest to this, as …
7 Reasons Why Sticking with TIFF is NOT Fine in 2018
Understanding the difference between PDF and TIFF is essential for driving efficiency in your document-driven business processes. In 2018, it’s critical for IT managers and CIOs to push their organizations to utilize a format that is already widely regarded as …
CVISION Releases Maestro Recognition Server 5.0 for High Volume PDF Conversion & OCR
CVISION Technologies (, a leading provider of software to optimize the accessibility and processes associated with document capture, announced today the release of Maestro Recognition Server 5.0. Maestro Recognition Server is a server-based PDF conversion and OCR solution providing industrial …
Batch Scan to PDF
Question: What is the best way to convert bulk scanning directly into PDF? When handling this many pages, individual conversion would take an unreasonably long time. Answer: For bulk conversion, you definitely need special software that can take care of …
Bulk TIFF to PDF Converter
Question: Does it make sense to invest in conversion software if I work with a lot of scanned files, since PDF is a more convenient format for that? Answer: Scanned documents are usually created as TIFF files, which is not …
Batch Convert JPG to PDF
Question: How can I convert a folder of JPGs to PDF? Answer: You can do this once you batch convert JPG to PDF. PDF is one of the most widely used file formats because of its platform independent nature. To …
Change TIFF to PDF for Free Online
Question: Is there a program that can change all of my scanned TIFF files into PDF files? Answer: There is definitely a program that can do that and more. CVISION’s PdfCompressor converts files to PDF and then goes beyond that …
Batch Convert TIFF to PDF Free
Question: I need to convert a batch of TIFFs into PDFs. Is there a way for me to do this for free online? Answer: You can batch convert TIFF to PDF free with the help of CVISION Technologies. Their PdfCompressor …
Free JPG to PDF Online Converter
Question: I have some pictures that I want to convert to PDF. Where can I find a free JPG to PDF online converter? Answer: You can use a free JPG to PDF online converter from CVISION Technologies. CVISION is a …