Processing TIFF files with OCR

Question: I am trying to see the stats on how the backlog is going and it is very slow

We have 7 machines 24 hrs / day, we only process about 4,000 tiffs per machine, that is 28,000 a day.  That is too low.  Is it or am I thinking that way? I have a back log now of 200,000 + new entries I am holding off in another queue until I am done with these ones.

I was thinking if you can give me a license on the other machines that I used to run the software on HS_8,9,….  And you can take it off from one of the existing machines. This will double the power for us to process these files, unless you can think of we can do something else

Answer: The processing doesn’t depend on how many files it processes but how many pages. So if you are processing with OCR you should expect about 3 seconds a page per process.

Please make sure that on all your machines all your processors are fired up, and processing pages.

If you would like to extend your evaluation, I have included the link: