PDF Compression

In Archived, OCR, Optical Character Recognition, PDF Compression, PDF OCR by ChrisLeave a Comment

Question: I find myself having to wait four or five minutes every time I want to e-mail a PDF to a co-worker, and sometimes, the file doesn’t even go through because of the size. Is there any way to compress a PDF and send these files faster? A PDF compression tool would help my office a lot.

Answer: PDF compression is fast, easy and would solve your problem. Most web-based e-mails have size limits, and a PDF stocked with images, graphics and animations will find itself stuck in your outbox. PDF compression will reduce the size of the images, graphics and animations, without losing any data. PDF compression also helps save space on your PC. There are many PDF compression tools available, each with different options that may work for you. I pasted a link to download our PDF compression tool.


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