JP2 File

What are some advantages and disadvantages of using JP2 file format? Is there anything I can do to get around the disadvantages?

When deciding which file format to work with, you need to think about how you plan to use it. JP2, which stands for JP-2000, is used for storing image files and publishing them on the Web. Some people find JP2 useful because you can reduce file size pretty significantly for these files, but compression is slow and there is some information loss; as a result JP2 is not used very commonly. Another issue is that many people do not have software that supports JP2, which poses a problem for sharing JP2 files with others.

One thing that you can do is to convert your JP2 files to PDF format. While PDFs can be very large, you can use PDF compression software to reduce the file size, making the files smaller and easier to upload and email. PDF compression can be fast and lossless, allowing you to get around the problems with JP2 compression. CVISION offers a product called PdfCompressor which can convert your JP2 files to PDF, compress them, and OCR them to make them text-searchable, all in one step. PdfCompressor has high compression rates and no information loss.

Click on the link below to download the free trial version on PdfCompressor: