Free OCR Scan

The internet is full of free OCR scan downloads. Are any of them reliable, and are there any advantages to purchasing software as opposed to using free OCR scan software?


Free OCR scan software can be a good option for users who want to make a few documents text-searchable. For commercial users, free OCR scan software demos are also a good way to evaluate OCR scan software products. By trying different free OCR scan demos, you can make an informed decision about what OCR scan product best suits your needs. The main advantages to commercial OCR software are speed and accuracy. Free OCR scan software can generally only handle one document at a time, and slowly at that. Our Maestro Recognition Server software OCRs documents at a rate of 3 pages per second, and is the most accurate OCR on the market,

Click below for a free trial version of Maestro, CVISION's OCR scan software.