Shrink PDFs

What software do you have to shrink PDFs? And what are the advantages of using your software to shrink PDFs as opposed to software from another company?

Our PdfCompressor software is the best way to shrink PDFs. It can shrink PDFs to as small as 1/100th of their original size. However, shrinking PDFs isn’t the only thing it does; it also includes the most accurate OCR on the market, which can make your PDFs text searchable, and can convert 15 file formats to PDF files that can then be shrunk. It is especially useful if you need to shrink many PDFs, as you can use it to automatically shrink batches of PDFs using the batch and watched folder modes. Rather than taking my word for it, you can download the free trial version and use it to shrink PDFs in order to make an informed decision about whether or not it fits your needs.

Download the free trial version by clicking the link below: