Image PDF Made Searchable

Question: Hi, there are a couple of issues I have concerning my PDFs. After scanning in all my images into a PDF format, they have become much more accessible to everyone in the office. However,  they are not text searchable at all, which makes it rather hard for everyone to search for information in a timely fashion. Do you know of any image ODF made searchable software?

Answer: Yes, there are a couple of companies that provide image PDF made searchable software. Compressing files without losing any content is one of the most important components. When you look for software, be sure to test out its abilities. One of them, CVISION, is offering a free 30 day trial of their product that can be downloaded here. CVISION has prided their products on efficiency and accuracy. Their image PDF made searchable software is quickly gaining popularity for the ability to scan over 20 pages per second, and having an accuracy rate over 99%.