Most Accurate OCR

In Archived, OCR, OCR Accuracy by MarshaLeave a Comment

Question: What is the most accurate OCR currently on the market? Answer: Based on software tests, the most accurate OCR currently available is Maestro Recognition Server from CVISION. Maestro is powered by an OCR engine so accurate that users do …

Best OCR Accuracy Rates

In Archived, OCR, OCR Accuracy by MarshaLeave a Comment

Question: I want to purchase an OCR solution for my office, but I don’t know which one to choose. Which OCR software has the best accuracy ratings? Answer: Maestro Recognition Server from CVISION has been shown in tests to have …

Web Based OCR

In Archived, OCR, OCR Download, OCR Software by DavidLeave a Comment

Question: Is there a web based OCR engine that can make PDFs text searchable? Answer: Yes, there is a web based OCR engine available from CVISION Technologies. CVISION has been in the file formatting and document capture industry since 1998. …