Optical Character Recognition Software

In All, Archived, Batch PDF OCR, Color OCR, OCR, OCR Accuracy, OCR Download, OCR PDF, OCR Software, OCR Verification and Confidence, OCR with Application to the Digital Mailroom, Optical Character Recognition by ChrisLeave a Comment

Question: Do you offer a free trial for your Optical Character Recognition Software? If so, can you forward me the link? Answer: Yes, we do offer a free trial for our optical character recognition software. It is a 30 day …

Shrink TIFFs

In All, Archived, Tiff, Tiff Compression by ChrisLeave a Comment

Question: Can your software shrink TIFF files? Answer: Yes, PdfCompressor can compress TIFF files up to 10 times smaller if they are black and white. The TIFFs are compressed, and converted to PDFs. We offer a free 30 day trial, …

Optimize Scanned PDF

In All, Archived by ChrisLeave a Comment

Question: How can I optimize my scanned PDFs?Answer: Our PdfCompressor is ideal for compressing scanned PDFs. It helps convert PDF, TIFF, and JPEG files into compressed, web-optimized, and text searchable PDF files. The PdfCompressor reduces PDF file size of scanned …

Conversion PDF, Compression de fichiers PDF avec OCR

In All, Archived by ChrisLeave a Comment

CVISION has resellers all over the world, our French reseller, BSV Electronic Publishing, has recently encountered a question regarding PdfCompressor: Question: Je souhaite compresser mes documents scannés, les convertir au format PDF et ensuite pouvoir effectuer des recherches sur leur …

OCR for Windows

In All, Archived, OCR, OCR Download by ChrisLeave a Comment

Question: I am looking for an OCR program that is compatible with Windows. Is The OCR program in PdfCompressor compatible with Windows? Answer: Yes, you can use our PdfCompressor OCR module on Windows. If you are looking for an OCR …