Free OCR Online

In Archived, Free OCR, OCR by DavidLeave a Comment

Question: I run my own small business and I frequently scan a lot of documents but they aren’t text searchable. I understand that OCR would solve this problem but I’m not looking to download or install any software. Is there …

OCR for Free

In Archived, Free OCR, OCR by KelvinLeave a Comment

Question: I found out about OCR recently and it sounds like it can be really helpful to my job. I was wondering if there was a way to download it for free or at least a trial version? Answer: OCR …

Free OCR

In Archived, Free OCR, OCR by KelvinLeave a Comment

Question: Is there a website where I can OCR my documents for free? I only need to OCR a few things and it wouldn’t make sense for me to purchase the full product. Answer: We understand that if you only …