Online OCR Software

In Archived, OCR Software by MarshaLeave a Comment

Question: Do I have to get my files into a particular format before using online OCR tools, or can they process any image file containing text? Answer: Different programs support different file types. Usually, online tools do not give you …

Online OCR Image

In Archived, OCR by MarshaLeave a Comment

Question: How does OCR for images work? Can any image be OCRed? Answer: You can use OCR to enable your computer to recognize characters in any image that contains text. Keep in mind that OCR works better for higher quality …

Online OCR Engine

In Archived, OCR Download, OCR Software by MarshaLeave a Comment

Question: Are online OCR engines as accurate as the ones you can purchase for your office? Answer: In general, online tools are not as high in quality as the ones you can purchase, because paid toolkits are designed for professional …

Online OCR of PDF

In Archived, OCR, OCR Accuracy, OCR Download by MarshaLeave a Comment

Question: Is online OCR of PDF files actually effective? Answer: OCR tools have varying levels of power and accuracy that determine their effectiveness. In general, online OCR tools are reasonably effective, especially when the document that you are working with …

OCR Image to Text

In Archived, OCR by MarshaLeave a Comment

Question: What does it mean to convert an image to text? Answer: If a document that contains text is stored in image format, a computer might not be able to read the text, depending on the format of the file. …