Improving HR Efficiency with Automation

Sarah in human resources consistently juggles between onboarding new hires, keeping pace with ever-changing compliance requirements, and resolving workplace disputes before a legal meltdown. The last thing on her mind is spending her team’s time and effort manually entering employee data into the organization’s ECM system when she can be focusing these resources on larger issues.

As Sarah and her team tackle the company’s HR documents, they have to first determine the type of document they’re working with such as background checks, employment contracts, tax forms, to timesheets and performance reviews. Sarah and her colleagues spend an immense amount of their time sorting, organizing, and entering data from the documents, creating a costly, time-intensive workflow prone to human error. Can Sarah reduce the inefficiencies that come with relying on manual data entry to classify and process documents?

Alleviating the burden of heavily document-driven processes in human resources departments is possible! - How? Sarah can eliminate the process of retyping information and streamline HR processes by implementing an automation solution that can:

  1. Recognize content reliably with a sophisticated OCR engine:
    Features such as image pre-processing and the use of multiple voting OCR engines help to ensure maximum text recognition accuracy.
  2. Automatically classify documents and extract the recognized text to your HR database:
    Automated document classification and data extraction lead to faster, cost-effective HR processes.
  3. Export to common formats such as .csv, .xml, .edi, and more:
    Standard data export types, plus access to an SDK and support for Web Services, make it easy to integrate seamlessly into your existing HR workflows.

If your HR team is wasting time classifying documents and manually retyping information, automation is the key to greater efficiency. To begin reducing your HR costs, request a free evaluation of Trapeze, our automated document processing solution today.