Watched Folder Feature

In All, Archived, Watched Folder by ChrisLeave a Comment

Question: Can the watched folder feature be run across the network? Answer: PdfCompressor allows users to watch folders locally as well as across their network. In order to ensure this works properly, users may need to manually adjust the login …

What is OCR?

In All, Archived, OCR by ChrisLeave a Comment

Question: What is OCR? Could you tell me what OCR means? I see the option for OCR mentioned both when I scan documents into PDF using my scanner, and when I use your PdfCompressor. Answer: OCR is an abbreviation for …

Shrink PDF

In All, Archived, Shrink PDF by ChrisLeave a Comment

Question: How can I shrink my PDF documents? I am looking to reduce the size of my scanned PDF document? Answer: Our PdfCompressor helps shrink, and convert PDF, TIFF, and JPEG files into compressed, web-optimized, and text searchable PDF files. …

Invalid Hits on OCR

In All, Archived, OCR by ChrisLeave a Comment

Question: After using the OCR option on your PdfCompressor software, I am receiving invalid hits on my searches? Answer: The problem that you are describing I have seen before and it seems to be an Adobe matter. To have properly …

PDF Searchable Image

In All, Archived, PDF OCR, PDF Search by ChrisLeave a Comment

Question: I need to make my scanned documents searchable. I am looking to make a searchable database. How can I do this? Answer: PdfCompressor converts scanned, or image documents in searchable PDF files. PDFs are readily viewable with Adobe’s free …

OCR Languages

In All, Archived, OCR, OCR Languages by ChrisLeave a Comment

Question: Which languages are supported by CVISION’s OCR? Answer: CVISION’s OCR supports over 60 different languages. For a list of OCR supported languages, click here: