Invoice OCR

In Archived, invoice processing by DavidLeave a Comment

Question: I need a software solution that can accurately process invoices. What kind of invoice OCR would you recommend? Answer: There are many invoice OCR software available on the market, but one of the best is Trapeze from CVISION Technologies. …

High OCR Accuracy

In Archived, OCR Accuracy, OCR Software by MarshaLeave a Comment

Question: Could you recommend an OCR solution with high accuracy ratings? Answer: For accuracy, I would definitely recommend Maestro Recognition Server from CVISION. Maestro’s level of accuracy is truly spectacular and unparalleled by other leading OCR tools. Tests have shown …

Scanning Invoices OCR

In Archived, OCR by KelvinLeave a Comment

Question: I have been processing invoices manually for awhile now. But recently, I heard that scanning invoices with OCR can help with the processing of invoices. Instead of having to manually entering the information, the process might be automated. Is …

Fast OCR Solution

In Archived, OCR, OCR Speed by MarshaLeave a Comment

Question: Where can I find a fast OCR solution? Are there any available online? Answer: While you can definitely try using OCR freeware to see if it meets your needs, you may find that it is insufficient. Freeware does not …

Best OCR Software Review

In Archived, OCR, OCR Software by MarshaLeave a Comment

Question: Which OCR software has the best all-around reviews? Answer: The OCR software with the best overall reviews is definitely CVISION’s Maestro Recognition Server. This is because Maestro excels in both accuracy and speed. First of all, Maestro’s accuracy levels …

Fast OCR Software

In Archived, OCR Software, OCR Speed by MarshaLeave a Comment

Question: Where can I find really fast OCR software? Answer: For a truly fast OCR tool, I would definitely recommend Maestro Recognition Server from CVISION. Maestro is a professional solution, designed to be fast and reliable even for large workloads. …