OCR Download

In All, Archived, OCR, OCR Download by ChrisLeave a Comment

Question: I am interested in downloading a product with OCR capabilities. Does your PdfCompressor have OCR? I noticed you offer two different PdfCompressor downloads; do both the CVISION Professional and Desktop Product Downloads come with OCR? Answer: If you are …

PDF Maker

In All, Archived, Convert PDF, PDF Conversion by ChrisLeave a Comment

Question: How does your software make different files into PDFs? Answer: To compress an image or document means to make it use less space while maintaining the image quality. Converting image file formats to PDF—like when you convert a JPEG …


In All, Archived, PDF/A by ChrisLeave a Comment

Question: Is there a problem with view-protecting my PDFs, while at the same time converting them to be PDF/A – archivable PDF format? Answer: There is a problem with security and PDF/A that needs to be addressed. In particular, there …