Server Based OCR

In Archived, Maestro Recognition Server, OCR, OCR Accuracy, OCR Download, OCR Languages, OCR Software, Optical Character Recognition, Server Based OCR by MichaelLeave a Comment

I’m looking for high capacity server based OCR software for my business. Does CVISION offer such a product?

We specialize in high-volume document processing. Our server based OCR software is called Maestro Recognition Server. Maestro is a multifunctional server based OCR tool. Its features include pre-OCR image optimization for the highest possible accuracy, batch OCR and watched folder mode for fully automated server based OCR, and multiple format support including PDF, JPG and TFF. The OCR engine behind Maestro has been found through testing to be the most accurate OCR available, and supports over 60 languages.

You can try our server based OCR, Maestro Recognition Server, by downloading the free trial version that is available by clicking the link below.

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