Question: I’m looking for an Acrobat converter. I see that you have some compression software and OCR software listed on your website, but what do you have for conversion? Answer: You can find an Acrobat converter, also known as a …
PDF Optimizer Free
Question: I’ve heard the term “PDF optimizer” tossed around, but I’m not exactly sure what it is. What’s the use of a PDF optimizer, and is it available for free? Answer: PDF optimization is the process of improving a PDF …
OCR Handwritten
Question: I see a lot on your website about OCR for computer-printed text, but do you have anything to OCR handwritten text? Answer: We do. We understand that many of the forms and documents that you work with may contain …
Document Imaging SDK
Question: I’m looking for a good document imaging SDK for document management software that my company is developing. We especially need something for compression, OCR, and web optimization. Does your company have a document imaging SDK that fits our needs? …
PDF Optimizer Download
Question: PDF optimizer download software is something my company has been looking into since most of our documents are in PDF format and difficult to circulate because of their size. Furthermore, our many PDF documents have been taking up a …
How to Reduce the Size of PDF File
Question: I’ve been wondering how to reduce the size of PDF file documents. Does CVISION have software to reduce the size of PDF files? Answer: You’re not alone in wondering how to reduce the size of PDF file documents. PDF …