Question: What is the best OCR PDF software to use with my scanner? I want to convert scanned documents into PDF files and OCR them. Answer: If you want software that can combine the two processes of file conversion and …
Question: I want to OCR and convert my files into PDFs if that is even possible. Is there a software or program that can help me out with this? Answer: If you are looking to OCR and convert your files …
Free PDF Compression
Question: I have some PDF files on my computer that I would like to compress. Is there a way to do it free of charge though? Answer:If you are looking to compress your PDF files, all you need is a …
Best OCR Software
Question: What is the best possible OCR software out there for me to use right now? Answer: If you were looking for the overall best OCR software, I would have to say it is CVISION’s PdfCompressor. Not only does it …
PDF Compression Batch
Question: I would like to compress a whole batch of PDFs. Most of the programs that I have found are unable to handle batch compression. Is it possible to achieve this without having to go through every sheet? Answer: Yes, …